National Assisted Living Week

We care about our Seniors well being just as much as their family or friends do

As one of the fastest-growing senior living companies nationwide, Atlas commits themselves completely to seniors, and to the people who care for them, too.

Welcome to Atlas Senior Living

We are a passionate group of individuals who have dedicated our lives to serving seniors, and every day, we improve to continue to be eligible for the Best Meals & Dining and Best Seniors Living from A Place For Mom awards.

Based in Birmingham, Alabama, we have 35 senior living communities in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, South Carolina, Tennessee and Texas.

What Atlas Senior Living does

Atlas Senior Living Residents

We are Atlas Senior Living

Atlas Senior Living Assisted Living

We create unique experiences in the field of senior living, always concerned about the well-being of the people who live in our communities.

Committed to serving seniors and the people who care for seniors

Atlas Senior Living | Ground breaking

Atlas Difference Makers

Atlas Difference Makers Senior Living
Atlas Senior Living Mission

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Careers at Atlas Senior Living

Connect with us

Whether Assisted Living, or Independent Living or Memory Care, seniors are encouraged to live life with freedom, purpose, and vitality. Come see the difference in any of our communities.

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