Legacy Ridge at Peachtree

Resident's Birthdays
Jane Higgins February 2
Darlene Wallace February 6
Ruth Yanney February 6
Norman Danis February 16
Month's Celebrations:
Groundhog Day
February 2
Mardis Gras
February 13
Valentine’s Day
February 14
National Caregivers Day
February 15
President’s Day
February 19
Events Spotlight
Staff Birthdays
Janice Ausmus
February 3
Rich Blake
February 17
Clare Chapman
February 5
Makiyah Waller
February 28
Staff Work Anniversaries
Rebecca Lee
February 9, 2017
Rosemary Beard
February 7, 2022
LeeAnne Ryan
February 8, 2022
Rich Blake
February 22, 2022
Margaret Washington
February 13, 2023
February Special Events:
February 2 – Groundhog Day! Pin the tail on the Groundhog and Festive snacks during happy hour!
February 2nd – Guest Speaker Marilyn Weigle presenting an Antique Car Slideshow
February 6 & 8 – Outing to Cedar Hill Studio! Valentine’s Day Paintings & Horse Feeding
February 13 – Mardis Gras Party!
February 14 – Fondu Party in the afternoon followed by Festive Dinner Party with music by Noteworthy.
February 17th – Table Game Olympics with the Beta Club! Local High Schoolers will join us to play lots of games with our residents including Go Fish, Connect Four, Chutes and Ladders, Sorry, and more! The Library, Game Room, Activity Room, and Living room will each have different games set up and we will spend the morning having a blast!
February 19 – President/s Day Penny Drive! We will host a penny drive throughout the entire month to raise money for St. Jude Children’s Hospital.
February 20 – Mini cherry pies will be passed out for National Cherry Pie Day!
This Month’s National Park: Mammoth Cave! Here are just a couple of the activities we are looking forward to exploring this park:
February 7
Solo Cup Hole Fishing
February 15
Crack Open A Geode!
February 21
Lunch Outing to Smokey Bones BBQ
*NEW* Bible study hosted by the Chaplain of Compassus every Monday at 10:30

Executive Director Corner

We are excited to jump into the second month of the New Year!
It is time for our quarterly service plan reviews. Please reach out to our Wellness Director, Olga Flores, at oflores@legacryridgepeachtree.com to set up a meeting.
This month is filled with stimulating and enjoyable activities! We will be exploring Mammoth Cave as a part of our National Parks Program. Keep an eye out on the calendar for any activities with an *NP* next to it for events that are a part of this program.
We are looking forward to a beautiful Valentine’s Day lunch with live entertainment by Noteworthy while we eat. In February we also celebrate National Caregivers Day. We are so incredibly thankful for all our caregivers, as well as the care you give to your family members.
For the second year in a row, we will be hosting a Presidents Day Penny Drive as a Fundraiser for St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital. Throughout February, you can find three donation jars in the lobby, one for each hall. The hall that raises the most money will be announced at the end of the month. We are blessed to have residents and families who seek ways in which they can help others, it’s part of what makes Legacy Ridge at Peachtree so special.
Mammoth Cave
National Park
The longest know cave system in the World, more than a cave.
Resident of the Month
Joanne Irvine

Joanne Irvine is our February resident of the month! Joanne was born and raised in Denver, Colorado. She moved to Georgia to be closer to her daughter, Stacy. She is so thankful to her daughter for orchestrating her moving arrangements and finding Legacy Ridge to be her new home. Joanne has 4 children and 10 grandchildren who live all over the US including California, Missouri, Colorado, and Georgia. As a child, some of Joanne’s favorite memories include roller skating and celebrating her Irish heritage on St. Patrick’s Day with her father singing My Wild Irish Rose. Joanne worked as an elementary school teacher and to this day still loves to be around children. As a matter of fact, she cherishes being around all people in general…. Well, people and dogs. Her favorite part about Legacy Ridge at Peachtree is the staff. She attests “They are always so patient! They act like you are the only person in the world they are caring for, even though I know they are dealing with so much!”. Joanne’s best piece of advice is simple: “Be kind to people”. We can attest that Joanne practices what she preaches, as she is one of the sweetest women you could come across (we’re starting to think it might be because of her favorite food…chocolate!). We love having her as part of our Legacy Ridge family!
Leadership Team
Nathalie White
Executive Director
LeeAnne Ryan
Sales & Marketing Director
Rebecca Lee
Business Office Manager
Kelsey Cornnell
Lifestyle Director
Margaret Washington
Dining Service Director
Richard Blake
Maintenance Director
Olga Flores
Wellness Director

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Most people think of healthcare as something you turn to when there’s a problem—a doctor’s visit when you feel unwell, a prescription after a diagnosis, …
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February Recipe Spotlight:
Red Velvet Cake

Vegetable oil, for greasing the pans
2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour, plus extra for dusting
1 1/2 cups sugar
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon fine salt
1 teaspoon cocoa powder
1 cup buttermilk, at room temperature
1 1/2 cups vegetable oil
2 large eggs, at room temperature
2 tablespoons red food coloring
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 teaspoon white distilled vinegar
Cream Cheese Frosting Ingredients:
4 cups sifted confectioners’ sugar
1 pound cream cheese, softened
2 sticks unsalted butter (1 cup), softened
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Pecans (optional), crushed, for garnish
Red Velvet Cake:
Preheat oven to 350°F (175°C). Grease and flour two 9-inch cake pans. Sift dry ingredients. Whisk wet ingredients separately. Combine wet and dry ingredients until smooth. Divide batter between pans and bake 25-30 minutes. Cool cakes for 10 minutes, then transfer to wire racks.
Cream Cheese Frosting:
Beat cream cheese and butter until smooth. Gradually add confectioners’ sugar until fluffy. Stir in vanilla extract.
Place one cake layer on a plate. Spread frosting, add second layer, and frost top/sides. Optionally garnish with pecans. Slice and serve.
Associate of the Month
Jerome Perrien

Congratulations to our February employee of the month, Jerome Perrien. Jerome has been a cook with us for about 2 years now and has worked in the food industry for over 20 years. On weekdays Jerome works as the Lead Food Service Manager in the Fayette County School System, overseeing 9 of the county schools. On weekends Jerome joins us here at our home to cook up delicious food for our residents. Jerome began work in the food industry because both his mother and father enjoyed cooking and they used it as an expression of love. He finds cooking to be a relaxing and soothing line of work. Originally from Mississippi, Jerome moved to Georgia with his wife and two kids to be closer to family. In his free time, Jerome enjoys fishing and completing puzzles. One of Jerome’s favorite parts about working here at Legacy Ridge at Peachtree is enjoying our residents’ reactions to his cooking. If you were to walk into our kitchen over the weekend, you would find the calming presence and steadfast smile of this chef, and we are so thankful to have him as a part of our team.


Natalie White