
Legacy Ridge at Marietta Newsletter

Resident´s Birthdays

5/1 – Edwina McMahan
5/3 – Sydney Henry
5/4 – Al Martin
5/7 – Margaret Walsh
5/9 – Lib Whelchel
5/19 – Okim Davis
5/26 – Annie Robertson
5/29 – Betty Early

Months Celebrations

May 4 – Kentucky Derby Day
May 5 – Cinco de Mayo
May 8 – National Give Someone a Cupcake Day
May 12 – Mother’s Day and International Nurses Day
May 17 – National Cherry Cobbler Day
May 24 – World Schizophrenia Awareness Day
May 27 – Memorial Day
May 29 – National Senior Health and Fitness Day
May 31 – National Macaroon Day

Events Spotlight

May 2nd – Early Cinco de Mayo Family Celebration
May 4th – Audrey Hepburn’s Birthday
May 8th – Defend.Health Informative Sessions
May 12th – Mother’s Day High Tea Celebration
May 26th – John Wayne’s Birthday
May 29th – John F. Kennedy’s Birthday
May 31st – Clint Eastwood’s Birthday
Zodiac Signs: Taurus (April 20-May 20) and Gemini (May 21-June 21)


National Park

This region has the highest concentration of stone arches anywhere in the world


There are 2,000 natural sandstone arches, hundreds of soaring pinnacles, massive rock fins, and giant balanced rocks

Six ways art therapy aids memory loss

By age 65, 1 in 10 people will exhibit symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease, a progressive illness that affects memory and cognitive ability. By age 85, that number increases to 1 in 3. And with more Americans living longer, more families are caring for older relatives who are experiencing memory loss.
Receiving a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease or dementia can be devastating for patients and their families, and caring for a loved one struggling with memory, comprehension, or communication can be difficult.
Making and engaging with art—from looking at art books or pictures or visiting museums and galleries to drawing and painting—can help people with memory loss be happier, healthier, less isolated and more connected.
1. Making art with other people can help people with memory loss stay connected with the world around them.
2. Art creates an outlet for self-expression and communication.
3. Art can help create new memories.
4. Making art can reduce anxiety and agitation.
5. Caregivers find respite and a fresh perspective through art activities.
6. Art helps manage the complex emotions that come with memory loss (specifically anxiety, frustration and sadness).

As of yet, there is no cure for Alzheimer’s, and the progression of the disease can be emotionally difficult for patients, loved ones, and care providers. But for art therapists and educators, working with people with memory loss can be deeply fulfilling.


National Park

Arches National Park comprises 76,519 acres, more than 1.46 million people visited the park in 2022

Daily Devotions

Spirituality and religion are important to many older people and are strong predictors of quality of life. They are part of the person’s identity, their life story and present enjoyment of life.
Aged care services have a responsibility to provide spiritual support to promote quality of life. Some facilities have formal processes for religious input, and accept individual needs for spiritual care for people who are dying.

Spiritual and religious involvement can yield positive health outcomes and help people cope with many issues as they age and their health declines. Providing for people’s spiritual and religious needs can reduce psychological morbidity related to chronic and terminal illness.

Outings, Volunteers, and More

As we age, it sometimes becomes increasingly more difficult to move our bodies. Muscles ache, we gain weight, we slow down and unhealthy habits can begin to creep in. By staying active, maintaining an independent and fulfilling lifestyle as we age (even if that is at an assisted living facility) is possible. Staying active and maintaining a healthy lifestyle is just as important for senior citizens as it is for younger people. The benefits of physical activity range from physical to emotional and mental.
Keeping seniors active can:

1. Help maintain their physical strength.
2. Reduce the risk of heart disease by strengthening their cardiovascular health.
3. Build mental toughness.
4. Increase bone density.
5. Help maintain a healthy body weight.

For seniors living in a senior living facility, staying active can help prevent isolation.

Many activities in a senior living facility are group activities, so they give seniors a chance to socialize and spend time around other people living a similar lifestyle as themselves. Here we will explain how to keep seniors active and why it is so important for their mental, physical, and emotional health to live a healthy lifestyle for as long as possible.

Benefits of Using Volunteers

Using volunteers in your long-term care or assisted living facility brings a wealth of benefits to the residents, most importantly, but also for your existing nursing staff and other team members that work hard to create a positive impact. Volunteers, particularly younger volunteers, can encourage residents’ inner youthful spirit and help them continue to do things they love to do, such as painting, writing, doing puzzles, or any activity that makes them enjoy their free time. Volunteers can also help offset feelings of loneliness, which can lead to a variety of health problems such as cognitive decline, Alzheimer’s disease, and a weakened immune system. Implementing a volunteer program at your care facility can prove mutually beneficial for everyone involved. While residents will see an improved sense of quality care, support, physical activity, and social interaction, volunteers will also gain meaningful insight. For volunteers, the benefits are equally as great, as they can gain knowledge and perspective from those they are helping and feel that they are contributing to an important purpose, as well as absorb useful organizational and coordination skills for their future.

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Recipe Spotlight:

Layered Fruit & Shrimp Salad

2 cups watermelon balls
2 cups cantaloupe balls
2 cups honeydew balls
2 cups sliced peaches
2 cups sliced pears
2 cups quartered orange sections
2 cups sliced plums
1 cup fresh blueberries
1 cup fresh strawberries
1 cup cubed pineapple
2 dozen (21-25) count boiled shrimp
2 cups crawfish tails
1 recipe fruity yogurt dressing
1/2 cup chopped pecans


In a large glass serving bowl, layer fruit by alternating stratas of color. Once all the fruit has been layered, line shrimp and crawfish in a decorative pattern around the edge of the bowl. Top with fruity yogurt dressing and toss the mixture to blend the dressing into the fruit. Sprinkle with pecans and serve immediately.

Fruit is not just for dessert anymore! With its wide range of colors and textures, nothing makes a more beautiful entree salad than layers of fresh or canned fruit. Why not create an interesting and unique summer salad by combining colorful, healthful fruit with fresh shrimp or other seafood?

Resident of the Month

Larry Drury

Larry Drury Resident of the Month

On a daily basis you can find Larry leading devotions and lending a helping hand to other residents. His kind disposition and caring nature led us to name Larry as our Resident Ambassador. Larry joined us at Legacy Ridge at Marietta with his lovely wife, Bobbie, to whom he has been married for over 60 years. Larry loves playing Bingo and engaging in conversations with other residents and Legacy staff members. We are blessed to call him one of our residents.

Associate of the Month

Vera Gibson

Vera Gibson Associate of the Month

Vera, who been in the senior care field for 10 years, joined the Legacy Ridge at Marietta in March of 2023 and has been a shining example of what caregivers are to our residents. She has a passion for giving back to our residents any way she can, in particularly by assisting in our tri-weekly bingo games. Vera is a native of the island paradise, Jamaica, and enjoys going to the movies with her daughter in her free time. Her favorite part of being part of the Legacy Ridge at Marietta family is the welcoming atmosphere we provide.


This massive dessert rock weighs in at an estimated 3,577 Tons and stands at 128 feet tall. That’s about the length of three yellow school buses.


Lauren Ross, Executive Director | Legacy Ridge at Marietta
Lauren Ross
Victoria Oloyede, Lifestyle Director | Legacy Ridge at Marietta
Victoria Oloyede

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