Legacy Ridge at Marietta Newsletter

Around the world with Atlas - February 2025 - Iceland
Resident´s Birthdays
Mr. Ernie – 2/2
Mr. Jose – 2/5
Month's Celebrations
National Days
Feb 1st- Get Up Day
Feb 2nd- Ground Hog Day
Feb 3rd- Carrot Cake Day
Feb 4th- Homemade Soup Day
Feb 5th- Optimist (Positivity Day)
Feb 6th- Chopstick Day
Feb 7th– Wear Red Day (Heart Association)
Feb 8th- Send a Card To A Friend
Feb 9th- Super Bowl Sunday
Feb 10th- Umbrella Day
Feb 11th- Peppermint Patty Day
Feb 14th- Valetine’s Day
Feb 15th- Gumdrop Day
Feb 17th- Acts of Kindness Day
Feb 18th- Wine Day
Feb 21st- Caregivers Day
Feb 22nd- Margarita Day
Feb 24th- Tortilla Chip Day
Feb 28th- Public Sleeping Day
Events Spotlights
Legacy Love and Laughter Family Night
Associate of the Month
Elliott Manning

Our associate of the month is Elliott Manning. He serves in the dining services of our community, creating delicious meals and desserts every time he meets the kitchen. Originally from Florida, he brings 5 years of culinary experience. He has been part of the Legacy Ridge Marietta family for just two short months but has brought joy every day.
Elliott doesn’t only bring his culinary expertise and creativity, but he brings his sense of humor in all he does; the very thing that our community appreciates. He is dependable and valuable to the staff. If he could describe his day into three words it would be “humorous, compassion filled, and passionate.” His day is made when he can create “works of art” in the food for the residents.
The song title “Beauty in the Madness” is the song he says describes him. That positive attitude pushes him to grow in the field. His future goals are to grow in his creativity all the while developing managerial skills that can advance his culinary career.
We highlight our associate of this month, Congrats Elliott!
Icelandic Vibes
Alexa, play “Don't be afraid, you have just got your eyes closed” from Múm
Finally We Are No One is the second studio album by Icelandic band Múm, the band composed the songs for the album Inside a lighthouse in the Westfjords, Galtarviti, one of the least populous and remote areas of Iceland.
The album was release in 2002, Mum is well known for the use of multiple instruments, all sort of strings, winds, percusions, flutes, choirs and uncommon instruments, their music is an intricate and whimsical soundscape that feels both intimate and otherworldly. The album captures the essence of untouched beauty and serene isolation, a timeless ode to the remote magic of Iceland.
The Blue Lagoon : One of the 25 Wonders of the World
The Blue Lagoon is one of the most popular tourist attraction in Iceland. Bathe in the milky blue waters of the lagoon or enjoy a superb spa treatment. A trip through Iceland can be pretty rough. The wilderness is unique, the scenery is so beautiful the eyes can hardly deal with it and even experienced explorers have to fight with the variety of natural scenes. After weeks or even days of travelling through the island and discovering lost places which have never been touched by humans before, you might want to lay down, close your eyes and relax. But your time in Iceland is precious: Chances are, that your flight back to your daily routine is coming closer, so you do not want to waste your hours. A common spa is not an option and staying in the hotel room is a misuse of your time, as you want do not want to settle for something less than adventurous.
If so, there may be a opportunity for you to combine relaxation with adventure, wilderness with comfort and natural landmarks with human hobbies. How about you take a bath in the Blue Lagoon in Iceland. Not only is the Blue Lagoon known for the opportunity to relax after hard days of travelling, but it offers even more. The chemical structure of the water, which is also responsible for coloring the water in a nice, blue colors, is also said to have healthy ingredients. Especially skin diseases are treated with the sulphur and silica in the water. The mud in there is also advertised to help with healing these ailments faster. (Info from Iceland Go Tours)
Around the World with Atlas
Iceland’s dramatic landscape is shaped by its active volcanism and vast glaciers. It is home to over 130 volcanoes, including Eyjafjallajökull, and Europe’s largest glacier, Vatnajökull.
During summer, Iceland experiences the Midnight Sun, with almost 24 hours of daylight. In contrast, winter brings long nights, creating the perfect setting for Northern Lights displays.
Black History Month 2025
Black History Month is a time to reflect on the past and use earlier lessons to imagine and work toward a better future. Black Americans continue to feel driven by the same societal issues that motivated Woodson a century ago.
Many African Americans look forward to a time when Black history is fully integrated into accounts of U.S. history. National acknowledgment, education, and celebration of Black history could change the need for Black History Month in the future. Modern forms of racism and bias suggest there is still a ways to go toward that goal.
Let’s remember and celebrate through out the community with poems, books, movies, and memories. #BlackHistoryMonth2025 # LiftEveryVoiceAndSing

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Recipe Spotlight:
Immune Boosting Winter Citrus Smoothie

As you can tell from the ingredients (and even just the vibrant color), this smoothie is jam packed with vitamin C and plenty of nutrients like fiber and antioxidants. It will keep your immune system strong and help you to feel your best plus stay energized all day long!
Frozen mango chunks
Ground turmeric
Ground cayenne pepper
Orange juice
Fresh grated ginger
Raw red beet
Frozen raspberries
Cara cara orange, blood orange, grapefruit
Pomegranate juice
1)In a blender, combine the mango, lemon juice, turmeric, cayenne, fresh ginger and orange juice. Blend until completely smooth, adding more honey if needed to sweeten.
2)Rinse the blender out. Combine the beets, raspberries, orange, and pomegranate juice. Blend until smooth and creamy, adding more pomegranate juice if needed to reach your desired consistency. Pour over the mango mixture and stir gently to swirl.
Resident of the Month
Nancy Farmer

Nancy is recognized this month for her participation and addition to our community. You can always find her in the living area watching a good show or joining in with group exercise and yoga. She is originally from Georgia and served as the County Clerk’s Office for over 30 years.
Nancy loves music and has a warm heart. She loves spending time with her sister and getting her hair done. Everyone who meets her and takes a moment to get to know her, would see her kind eyes and loving demeanor, for this reason we celebrate her as our resident of the month.
Congratulations Nancy!!
Pets Like a Good Party Too!
Ever wonder why petting a dog is so pleasant? A study published online Oct. 5, 2022, by PLOS One found that interacting with a dog, especially petting, stimulates the human brain’s prefrontal cortex, which helps regulate emotions. Petting also lowers cortisol, the stress hormone, and raises oxytocin, the feel-good hormone, according to Dr. Frates. “The effect can continue long after the dog is no longer present,” she says.
Dogs also can teach us to relieve stress by practicing mindfulness. During walks, dogs are engaged in the moment and focus on the various smells, sights, and sounds of their environment. Studies have shown that the bond between people and their pets can increase fitness, lower stress, and bring happiness to their owners. Some of the health benefits of having a pet include: decreased blood pressure, decreased cholesterol and triglyceride levels, decreased feelings of loneliness and increased opportunities for socialization.
Pictured is one of our very own community, Zorro!
(Icelandic Christmas book flood)
A Love for Literature:
Iceland boasts the highest number of published authors per capita. The Icelandic tradition of gifting books during Christmas, known as Jólabókaflóð (Yule Book Flood), reflects their deep connection to storytelling and literature.

Lauren Ross