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Senior Living Insights and Updates | Newsletter The Atrium at Boca Raton

Month's Celebrations

Columbus Day

October 9th
Columbus Day

October 9th
Indigenous Peoples’ Day

October 16th
Boss’s Day


October 31st

Resident´s Birthdays

Eli Ovadia
Larry Wilson
Toby Weiss
Margaret Brittingham
Anthony Caramanica
Earl Dorfman
Delia Fitzsimons
Lynn Callahan
Steven Morris
Doris Swig
Louis Andreotta
Beverly Fellman

Birthdays, Celebrations
& Events Spotlights

Smoothies and Wisdom
Fridays at 11:00am

Trick or Treat with the Fuller Children
Monday October 30th at 10:00am

Monster Mash Costume Party October 31st at 4:00pm

Celebrating October

Popcorn Poppin’ Month Italian American Heritage Month Country Music Month International Day of Older Persons Spinning and Weaving Week October 2–8 Taco Day October 4th World Teachers’ Day October 5 Crazy Cookie Day October 8th Columbus Day Columbus Day and Indigenous Peoples’ Day October 9 Farmer’s Day October 12 Newspaper Comic Strip Appreciation Day October 18 International Artist Day October 25 Halloween Halloween October 31
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Lisa Rose Lifestyles Director The Atrium At Boca Raton
Lisa Rose
Lori Rosario Executive Director The Atrium At Boca Raton
Lori Rosario

Who Let the Dogs in?

Bonafide Therapy DogsBonafide Therapy Dogs are in the House most Tuesday and Thursday nights and Saturday mornings, unless they are doing their final outdoor class test.

When they are not training in our lobby, they are visiting our memory care unit to spread love and joy. If you want to see them train join us on anyone of those days or Saturday morning in our Lobby.


Coping with the Holidays - Trustbridge

TrustBridgeThe stress that accompanies terminal illness can be overwhelming for patients and caregivers, especially during the holidays. This presentation will compare and contrast the relationship between depression and stress specific to the holiday season. Ways to re-frame holiday events are discussed as well as identification of survival skills during the holidays for those experiencing or caring for terminally ill patients. The impact of compassion fatigue for caregivers is discussed. Coping with the Holidays – Trustbridge Virtual Presentation October 5th, 9th, 13th, 18th, For more information or to register, please visit trustbridge.com #SpiritualWellBeing

FAU Galleries

FAU GAlleries - classes on weaving, clay mosaics and more.
FAU GAlleries - classes on weaving, clay mosaics and more.
We are fortunate to have FAU across the street. Helen from FAU Galleries comes often to teach classes on weaving, clay mosaics and more. Make sure to get with the Activities Director to let them know you would like to be put on the sign-up sheet so that you do not miss out on any of these wonderful, creative in-person classes.

Resident of the Month

Carol Winer

Carol, Resident of the Month October 2023 | The Atrium at Boca Raton Carol is simply the best! There is never a day that she does not have a smile on her face. To top it off Carol is always the first one to lend a hand around the Atrium. You will find her sorting bingo chips, serving wine or simply lending an ear to an Atrium friend.

Associate of the Month

Anide - Med Tech

Anide, Associate of the Month October 2023 | The Atrium at Boca RatonAnide is sweet, kind and very helpful. Our residents enjoy her as she is always there to help them whether it be to dance, serve them a meal or just to chat. She is the best. We love her here at the Atrium.

More Articles

Rediscovering Love After 70s, Love Doesn’t Retire

Many people assume that romance naturally slows down with age, but research suggests otherwise. According to a study published in The Journals of Gerontology, older …

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The Art of Friendship After 70 and How to Nurture It

What makes a friendship truly fulfilling after 70? Is it the joy of shared memories, the comfort of deep conversations, or the simple presence of ...
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Good Luck

Trivia Quiz | The Atrium at Boca Raton

# Question
1. Book is to cover as pot is to?
2. Lead is to pencil as ink is to?
3. Bee is to buzz as dog is to?
4. Rome is to Italy as Paris is to?
5. Sock is to foot as mitten is to?
6. Eye is to see as ear is to?
7. Winter is to snow as spring is to?
8. Airplane is to fly as boat is to?
9. Butcher is to meat as bakery is to?
10. Doctor is to hospital as chef is to?
11. Sad is to happy as front is to?
12. Laughing is to happy as crying is to?
13. Wolf is to pack as lion is to?
14. Bride is to groom as wife is to?
15. Italy is to Europe as Ghana is to?
16. Toe is to foot as finger is to?
17. Go is to green as stop is to?
18. Ladder is to climb as chair is to?
19. Cool is to cucumber as proud is to?
20. Foot is to stomp as hand is to?
Turn your answers in to Activities for a Prize.

Smoothies and Wisdom

Fridays at 11:00am

Smoothies and Wisdom | Fridays at 11:00am
Smoothies and Wisdom | Fridays at 11:00am

Helpful tips for keeping your mind active

  • Always try to learn new things
  • Read every single thing that you set eyes on
  • Take lessons in music and learn the instrument you always desired
  • Raise your level of mental fitness
  • Consider a healthy diet
  • Do not underestimate physical activity
  • Find ways to interact with others
  • Pursue a hobby, learn a new skill, volunteer or mentor
  • Practice healthy habits like getting plenty of sleep, not smoking, eating healthfully and staying physically active
  • Aim to get 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity and two days of muscle-strengthening exercise per week


Join us on [date] from 0:00 pm – 0:00 for our [party/event].


Lisa Rose Lifestyles Director The Atrium At Boca Raton
Lisa Rose
Lori Rosario Executive Director The Atrium At Boca Raton
Lori Rosario

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