Celebrating Our Resident of the Month

Katie O'Neal

Katie O'Neal

Katie Burgess O’Neal was born in Clinton Arkansas and attended Arkansas Tech University. After her husband EC finished his Ed.D. at The University of Arkansas, they moved to Starkville in 1968 where he taught at MSU and Katie, who was a kindergarten teacher in Arkansas, became a part of the kindergarten/childcare program at Methodist Day School in Starkville and worked there for many years.
She loved her family and is a mother of three, and a “Nannie” to six. She is always up for a game of bridge or going antiquing. She enjoys reading, working on crossword puzzles, and is a fabulous cook. Katie was known throughout Starkville for her wonderful meals, especially her baked sweets. Katie loves the Bulldogs, and she never missed a basketball or baseball game. If a game is on TV, you can bet she is watching. We are thankful and blessed to have her!

Alexa Smart Apartments
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