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Assisted Living

Assisted living at Legacy Ridge at Brookstone is where Southern hospitality meets health care services. Assisted living frees residents from worrying about navigating daily care or chores alone. Providing an individualized level of care also means serving meals that meet your needs.

Legacy Ridge at Bookstone | Seniors reading and drinking coffee
Legacy Ridge at Bookstone | Senior couple hugging outdoors

Our dedicated team makes sure residents live in comfort and enjoy tidy homes and fresh laundry. Our maintenance and housekeeping teams dedicate themselves just as much as our health care team!

Assisted living residents can expect to experience a higher quality of life thanks to the activities of daily living assistance team members provide. Seniors can extend their level of independence with our support.

If your goal is to make new friends, try new things, or increase your steps around the walking path, Legacy Ridge at Brookstone can help.

Our Assisted Living Services:

Licensed nurse available

Licensed nurse available

Associates on-site 24/7

Associates on-site 24/7

Emergency response system

Emergency response system

Medication administration and management

Medication administration and management

Bathing, dressing, grooming, and personal care assistance

Bathing, dressing, grooming, and personal care assistance

Atlas and Curana Benefits Legacy Ridge at Brookstone

Now Offering: Onsite Primary Care Services!


Residents at Legacy Ridge at Brookstone now have access to concierge-style primary care services. If needed, they can receive care in the comfort of their apartment or without leaving the community

Atlas and Curana Benefits Legacy Ridge at Brookstone

Our Benefits:

Achieve your fitness and wellness goals

Achieve your fitness and wellness goals

Flexible Freedom Dining with three chef-inspired meals daily

Flexible Freedom Dining with three chef-inspired meals daily

Weekly housekeeping

Weekly housekeeping

Transportation services

Transportation services

Snacks and beverages available throughout the day

Snacks and beverages available throughout the day

Social activities and events, including The Academy programming

Social activities and events, including The Academy programming

Legacy Ridge at Bookstone | Senior woman walking with caregiver outdoors

Legacy Ridge at Brookstone offers a variety of upscale services and welcoming areas where you’ll find residents enjoying their lives. You’ll find our community to be a more active environment than a typical nursing home. Kennesaw, GA seniors love their vibrant assisted living community in the Brookstone neighborhood.

Our Amenities:

Spacious dining, living and multi-purpose rooms

Restaurant-style dining room

Spacious living and multi-purpose rooms

Spacious living and multi-purpose rooms

Professionally landscaped and manicured grounds

Professionally landscaped and manicured grounds

Gardening areas, relaxing porches, and paved walking paths

Gardening areas, relaxing porches, and paved walking paths

Bathing, dressing, grooming and toileting assistance

Beauty/barbershop, library, theater, and worship services

Reach Out to Learn More About Our Assisted Living Activities

Do you or a loved one need
Assisted Living?

Our quiz below provides questions that can help one navigate the signs of someone needing assisted living. If you would like more information, download our informational whitepaper by checking off the box at the bottom.

Check off the questions that apply to you if you are looking into assisted living.

Learn More About Our Assisted Living Lifestyle

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