Associate of the Month

Kayla Pickett

Born on May 26, 2003, Kayla began her journey at Monark Grove in March 2022, taking on the role of a dedicated server. Originally from Montgomery, Alabama, she made the move to this area during her third-grade years. She graduated from Columbia High School, Kayla is the younger of two siblings and is proud to work alongside her older brother at Monark Grove.

In her free time, she enjoys indulging in hobbies such as reading, engaging in crafts, and finding fulfillment in her work.

Her passion for serving the residents is evident, and she also has a deep affection for her pets, comprising two bunnies named Luna and Ciel, as well as a lovable guinea pig named Jazzy.

Kayla’s unwavering dedication makes her an invaluable member of our community and an integral part of the Monark Grove family.

Kayla Pickett Associate of the Month


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