
The Goldton at Athens Newsletter

Resident´s Birthdays

V. Mitchum 9/7
D. Jones 9/17
V. Dolfe 9/18
I. Ross 9/19

Celebrating September

National Assisted Living Week (NAWL) 9/8-9/14, and the Birthdays for the month

Events Spotlights

Employee Birthday’s and Family Fun Night 9/29
Kasey Nitz 9/15
Talia Williams 9/20
DeAviance Fowlks-Turner (Dee) 9/26

Manager of the Month

Jessica was born and raised in Canadia. She has been living in the United States for over twenty years now. Jessica is married with two children a son named Orion and a daughter named Roslyn. Jessica came here to The Goldton at Athens as a part-time activity director’s assistant. Within less than a year she moved up to Activity Director and now she’s the Dining Director. When she isn’t working, she likes to spend time with her family, thrift store shopping and doing some DIY in home projects.

Rocky Mountain National Park

Also known as “The Rockies”, formed 55 million to 80 million years ago during the Laramide orogeny, in which a number of plates began sliding underneath the North American plate.

Keep the joints moving

Many of the residents from day to day may complain about joint pain but will still exercise to the best of their ability. Our Fox rehab team says that movement is the best thing for joints. Sometimes because of the joint pain many think they don’t want to move but once the joint knows that movement has started the muscles and joints start to loosen up. This is exactly what is needed but never over do it.

Rocky Mountain National Park

Rocky Mountain National Park’s 415 square miles (265,807 acres) encompasses a spectacular range of mountain environments. From meadows found in the montane life zone to glistening alpine lakes and up to the towering mountain peaks, there is something for everyone to discover.

Crafty Crafters

This activity always brings a different group of residents depending on what the craft is but there are some residents no matter the craft are always here. Trying to find a craft that everyone will enjoy is a challenging, but I think I have stumble upon one and that making your own pen.

Resident of the Month

Faye Bendall

Faye Bendall Resident of the Month

Mrs. Faye Bendall was born Faye Farmer January 23, 1940, to the beloved parents of Virgil and Mildred Farmer in Jenkin Jones West Virgina. Mrs. Faye Bendall attended Jenkins Jones Elementary School and graduated from Theodore Trade School in Louisville Kentucky. Mrs. Bendall started school college when she was 35 years of age her profession after graduating, she was a contract specialist. Mrs. Faye Bendall retired as a Contract Specialist in 1995. Mrs. Faye Bendall meet Mr. James Bendall while she was working at the Haywood Dairy plant in Kentucky. Mrs. Bendall moved back here to Alabama with Mr. James Bendall to live with his parents after getting married. Their union produced two beautiful children (Dana Bendall-Swanner and Mr. Ray Bendall). Their union has continued to grow and now they have four beautiful grandchildren and one great-grandson on the way. She attends Emmanuel Baptist Church. Mrs. Faye Bendall loves reading, traveling, and sewing. Her talent is Cooking. The one thing she would tell her younger self is to save your money because when you get older, you’re going to need it. The one thing that she loves about The Goldton at Athens are the friendly people.

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Recipe Spotlight:

Coconut Cake

Coconut Cake

Resident of the Month favorite recipe, Mrs. Faye Bendall enjoys cooking, and here is one of her favorites baking recipes.

Coconut Cake
Yellow Cake Mix
9 oz creme of coconut
1 small can of Egale Brand condensed milk
9 oz Cool Whip
1 Cup of coconut
Bake cake according to directions on the box. In a 9 x 13-inch pan. Remove from oven, punch holes all over. Mix coconut creme and condensed milk. Pour over cake. Let cool. Add Cool whip and coconut to top of cake. Refrigerate.

Associate of the Month

Makayla Trousdale

Makayla Trousdale Associate of the Month

Ms. Makayla Trousdale was born April 11, 2006. Makayla started working for the atlas Company in October of 2023. She was born and raised in Elkmont, Al. to the parents of Lysandra Miller and Deion Trousdale. Makayla went to Elkmont and Athens High School, but she graduated from Athens High School. She is the Resident Care Coordinator here at The Goldton at Athens. When Makayla isn’t working you can her spending time with her dog and taking nature walks. She loves the family atmosphere here at The Goldton at Ayhens.

Rocky Mountain National Park


Terrence Francis | Executive Director
Terrence Francis
Zina Bennet | The Goldton at Athens
Zina Bennet
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