
The Goldton at Venice

January 2025
Brazil, Around the World with Atlas

Around the world with Atlas - January 2025 - Brazil

Resident's Birthdays

01/2 Lydia Z.
01/5 Noel B.
01/5 Christopher F.
01/7 Pattie G.
01/8 Michael W.
01/11 Linda P.
01/21 William S.
01/26 David H.
01/30 Luella H.
01/31 William B.
01/31 Gisela K.
01/31 Mary B.

Celebrating January

1/1 New Year’s Day “Good Luck Buffet”
1/4 World Spaghetti Day
1/5 National Birding Day
1/13 National Rubber Ducky Day
1/14 International Kite Day
1/16 Goldton Black and Gold Party
1/19 Popcorn Day
1/23 National Pie Day
1/27 National Chocolate Cake Day
1/28 Blueberry Pancake Day
1/29 National Puzzle Day
1/31 Hot Chocolate Day

Assisted Living | Resident of the Month

Ed Myslivcek

Ed is a chipper and delightful man. He is going to be 102 this August and is sharp as a tack. Wearing his WWll hat, we were curious about where his service had taken him. He said he was able to travel all over Europe and communist Russia “when it was really bad”. He mentioned visiting Alaska four different times. When asked if it was for business or pleasure, Ed was quick to say pleasure. “When you find yourself in the woods and look around, something great happens. I highly recommend it”. Originally from Long Island New York, he has four daughters and one son and is looking forward to some of them visiting soon. We love you Ed.

Around the World with Atlas

Brazil, the largest country in South America, is known for its vibrant culture, rich history, and stunning natural beauty. Home to the Amazon Rainforest and Christ the Redeemer statue, it offers breathtaking landscapes and iconic landmarks. With diverse influences, lively music, samba, Carnival, and soccer, Brazil is a global symbol of celebration and passion.

From the desk of Laura Blakeman

Dear Residents and loved ones,
Welcome to the new year—2025!! We are so excited to have some wonderful things planned. We will be having a new Around the World with Atlas each month. We start this month off with Brazil.

We would love to hear any stories, see any pictures if you have traveled to any of the countries we will be highlighting. This is the list of the countries and the months we will celebrate them:

  • January= Brazil
  • February= Iceland
  • March= Italy
  • April= Greece
  • May=Mexico
  • June= Peru
  • July= United States
  • August= England
  • September= Scotland
  • October= Germany
  • November= Australia
  • December=France

It is a pleasure to see you every day! I look forward to the best year yet at The Goldton at Venice!
Laura Blakeman
Executive Director

Around the World with Atlas

Brazil is the most successful soccer team in history, winning a record five FIFA World Cup titles. Known for its skillful players, creative style, and attacking flair, Brazil has produced legends like Pelé, Ronaldo, Roberto Carlos, Ronaldinho. Its deep passion for the sport and rich talent have made Brazil a dominant force in international soccer.

From Your Dining Department

Academy Announcements

Academy Announcements
Academy Announcements

New Year’s resolutions are goals that people make to spark positive change in their lives. Some popular resolutions include:
• Save money: Set a goal to save money, like putting a certain amount of money in savings each month
• Eat healthier: Make an effort to eat less, eat smart, and move more
• Get more sleep: Establish a bedtime routine, limit screen time before bed, and create a quiet sleep environment
• Learn something new: Take a class, join a book club, or dedicate time to a creative outlet
• Quit smoking: Inhaling anything other than air can be damaging to your lungs
• Exercise more: Make a more active approach to health and fitness
Here are some tips for making your New Year’s resolutions stick:
• Write down your goals: You are more likely to stay on track if you write down your goals
• Consider possible scenarios: Think through how daily life might derail you from your goal
• Keep them modest: Resolutions to be healthier can be difficult and hard to keep, so keep them modest and manageable

Business office Business

Business office Business

Just a Few Rinders from the Business Office: Transportation: All transportation requests must go through the Concierge desk so that they can be entered into the Transportation Calendar and the drivers scheduled accordingly. The Goldton at Venice Transportation hours are generally from 9am to 3pm Monday through Friday for Medical Transportation and various planned activity events. There will be times that a conflict will arise, and we cannot provide transportation at the time of a request. The Concierge desk does have a list of providers that you can hire privately for errands, airport transportation and other transportation requests that we are not able to meet. Atlas Dollars a.k.a Funny Money: The Atlas dollars are available at the Concierge Desk to be given to the staff for going above and beyond their normal duties to provide excellent customer service to you. The dollar amounts are 1’s and 5’s. You must remember that it is not about the amount that is given it is the thought. Staff will be able to use this “funny” money to purchase items such as snacks and beverages from our community staff store. Restaurant /Bar Charges: You can use your credit card to pay directly in the restaurant or bar for your guest meals or for bar food and beverages. Otherwise, the charges will get billed to your rent statement. If you need a breakdown of your charges, please see Ann in the Business Office and that will be provided. It is good practice to keep your receipts until you get the rent statement to make sure the records match. Thank you and Happy New Year!

Independent Living | Resident of the Month

June Vermelli

Ms. June comes to us by way of TWP of Washington, New Jersey. 2 kids and 3 grandchildren, she says the kids are something she can’t live without. June has traveled to Bermuda and Hawaii while working as a Convention Manager over the years. She’s very sociable and has made quick friends. She certainly has spirit, being a key player during Holiday Spirit Week. June has been a welcome addition to our community and we’re so glad she is here with us.

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Recipe of the Month

Lemon Buttermilk Pie
with strawberry toping

1 cup buttermilk
1 tbsp lemon juice
1 tbsp grated lemon zest
2 cups fresh Louisiana strawberries, sliced
2¼ cups sugar
1 tbsp flour
pinch of salt
2 eggs
2 egg yolks
1 tbsp pure vanilla extract
1 (9-inch) unbaked pie shell

Preheat oven to 350°F. In a small mixing bowl, combine sliced strawberries with ¾ cup sugar, stir, cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate. This should be done at least 6 hours prior to serving. In a large mixing bowl, combine remaining sugar, flour and salt. Blend well. Add eggs and egg yolks, and using a wire whisk, cream into sugar mixture. Once blended, add buttermilk, vanilla, lemon juice and zest. Whisk well to incorporate and dissolve sugar. Pour into pie shell and place on a cookie sheet. Bake 50 minutes or until pie is lightly browned and filling is just set. Remove and cool a minimum of 30 minutes prior to serving. Top each slice with a generous portion of sugared strawberries.

Associate of the Month

James Bohem

James Bohem is one of our longest standing cooks in our kitchen. The sweetest person you’ll meet but his cooking skills are divine. Born in Chicago and lived in Colorado. He loves to cook and golf. He prefers winter time and fun fact, he was a Black Diamond skier! Bohem, you are truly loved around here.

Memory Care | Resident of the Month

Joseph D'Angelo

Joe is such a friendly guy. He has a wonderful smile and is eager to chat with anyone who wants to spend time with him at the dining room table or in the living room while listening to some entertainment. Married in March of 79, him and his wife lived in Connecticut, New York, California, New Jersey and Maine. Joe enjoyed playing saxophone, clarinet and later, bass guitar. He loves to always have a book handy on any subject but especially cars and motorcycles. We love Joe!


Laura Blakeman Executive Director The Goldton at Venice
Laura Blakeman
Shelbie Greco, Academy Director | The Goldton at Venice
Shelbie Greco
Sock Hop Car Show
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